Brinson Wright and Will Thomas

Godchaserz - United States

1. Your project has entered in our festival. What is your project about?

Brinson: It's about 5 young men who use the vehicle of Hip Hop and faith to change the world around them. True stories told by all 5 of us.
Will Thomas: It's a film following a group of rappers who refused to follow the grain by promoting drugs, sex and cars. They are challenging people to chase after the goodness of God, the things that will last forever.

2. What are your ambitions with your project?

Brinson: I desire that this story reach the masses and create a demand for streaming services to use our company to tell more stories in the future.
Will Thomas: To expose the world to an underground culture of people shaking the foundation of our youth.

3. Tell us something about your shooting? What pleasantly surprised you?

Brinson: Most of the shooting were over a decade in the making, not knowing it would create this documentary
Will Thomas: We shot this film in the middle of Covid-19 lockdown. So we had to do most of the interviews via zoom calls, it was different and not our preferred way to shoot but it turned out working out great for us in the end. We were able to spend more time talking with people and it made it easier to stay safe.

4. For what group of spectators is your film targeted?

Brinson: Fans of the hip hop culture would enjoy this story also those who enjoy the fortitude of men in their purpose.
Will Thomas: People who know nothing about Christian hip hop. Most people do not know such a genre exists but it does and it's something truly fascinating to see.

5. Why should distributors buy your film?

Brinson: According to sales of hip hop and all things about the culture this should be an easy decision for distributors. The demand for this type of content is alway met with overwhelming support.
Will Thomas: Current Hip Hop has defined my generation's music. This film redefines it for the next generation.

6. How would you specify your work? What characterizes your film?

Will Thomas: Good question, I would say "transparent". We didn't come into making this film to tell the story we wanted to tell. We came into this film, letting the story tell itself.

7. Why did you decided to become a filmmaker?

Will Thomas: When I was young I was always acting in plays my mother and father would put together for public schools throughout Jacksonville, Florida. So when I got older, it was just natural I would follow in their footsteps.

8. Who is your role model?

Brinson: As a rap artist I would say Stephen Wiley, Andre 3000, and the guys from GodChaserz Entertainment. As a filmmaker the great Robert Townsend and George Lucas.
Will Thomas: As a filmmaker, Christopher Nolan, as a DP, Roger Deakins hands down.

9. Which movies are your favorites? Why?

Brinson: I have a wide range of favorites. Avengers Endgame: as far as the long term storytelling that climaxed into everything I wanted as a viewer. Kung Fu Panda took an old concept from 70s/80s kung fu movies and remade a great story.  
Will Thomas: The Dark Knight and Scario. The story of the Dark Knight was about the battle of ideals, if pushed will people turn evil. As for Scario, every shot was gorgeous.  

10. Where do you look for inspiration for your films?

Brinson: I look at the world around me and see the needs of the people and that inspires me to create.
Will Thomas: My life is my biggest inspiration. There's nothing I have faced thats not common to people everywhere. Love, struggles and pain is something everyone goes thru.

11. Which topics interest you the most?

Brinson: I have always gravitated to sci-fi films and animation. But with our film I think the spirit of man and it's destination afterlife interest me the most.
Will Thomas: Films that deal with gray areas. I am fascinated with films that do not have a single answer. I like films that challenge belief systems or go against standardized thought processes.

12. What do you consider your greatest achievement in your career?

Brinson: As far as film making it would be my body of work behind the scene with Will and making this film.
Will Thomas: This film. It was one of the toughest to do during the pandemic, it challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and do something unique.

13. What do you consider most important about filming?

Brinson: I would say the end result and the emotion a film brings out of the audience. I'm still impacted from films I seen in the 80s so I understand the long term effects of film.
Will Thomas: Sharing new ideas to the audience, to challenge their belief system.

14. Which film technique of shooting do you consider the best?

Will Thomas: The editing. This is where the magic happens especially when shooting documentaries. At this stage is where you build the story.

15. How would you rate/What is your opinion about current filmmaking?

Will Thomas: I wish people would stop focusing so much on the gear they own and more on the story they are telling. I have used Red and Arri cinema cameras on several projects, yes they are beautiful equipment, but without a good story it's all meaningless.  
Brinson: I would need more films under my belt to give my full opinion. But, the new tech that is used now can make filmmaking and content creation fun and easier than times past.

16. Who supports you in your film career?

Will Thomas: My family and my guy Brinson Wright
Brinson: My family, Will Thomas, and my fans who have supported my music from over the years.

17. What are the reactions to your film? (opinion of spectators, film 
critics, friends and family)

Brinson: The support has been so overwhelming. People say they laughed, cried, had a lot of fun watching the film and it touched their soul.
Will Thomas: This film has challenged people's purpose in life. So many people have told us how they have lost their faith but now they are coming back.  

18. Have you already visited any of the prestigious film festivals?

Brinson: No I haven't but I am looking to being apart of them one day.
Will Thomas: Not yet but I will in the near future.

19. What are your future plans in a filmmaking career?

Brinson: I have many other films that I would love to see come to the screen, I look forward to working more with Will Thomas. Keep your eyes on and
Will Thomas: I'm currently working on 3 more feature length documentaries and a full feature length fiction film. Im hoping to have them ready to go in 2023-2024.